MCB LogoKaren B. Corbett
Karen is a seasoned defense attorney who is known both as an aggressive advo­cate for her clients and also a consummate professional in the courtroom.

Karen B.Corbett


Long Island
Long Island

One only has to look at the numerous glowing reviews Karen has received to un­derstand what caliber of attorney she is. Phrases like, “a masterful and brilliant counselor,” “impeccable judgment,” and “one of the brightest, most articulate and astute attorneys I have ever worked with” are just a few of the many acco­lades written by her peers and others who have worked with her.

Karen is a senior defense attorney who is known both as an aggressive advo­cate for her clients and also a consummate professional in the courtroom. She has over two decades of experience, with particular emphasis in medical mal­practice litigation and nursing home negligence. Karen enjoys her medical mal­practice defense work for many reasons, not the least of which is the continuing opportunity to further her already considerable knowledge of medicine.

Her 27+ years of experience include:

·  Medical malpractice litigation on behalf of a diverse client base.

·  Defense of nursing homes against various types of negligence claims.

·  Representation of major Long Island based hospitals and a prominent New York dental school in complex defense matters requiring development and execution of sophisticated legal strategies.

·  Extensive experience representing dentists, oral surgeons, podiatrists, chiropractors, and nurses against a wide variety of claims including, but not limited to, medical malpractice.

Commensurate with her many positive reviews, Karen is rated AV Preeminent® by Martindale-Hubbell®, their highest rating.*

As an expert in the area of risk management, Karen creates CLE presentations for clients on containing and challenging damages in high exposure cases, as well as legal education presentations on nursing home litigation. She also pres­ents ongoing “consult and advise” programs to the Firm’s hospital clients which are tailored to their needs, and she has published informative articles in the Firm’s client newsletter, Defense Practice Update, and MD News – Long Island.

In addition to her work as an attorney, Karen is valuable member of Firm’s Di­versity & Inclusion Committee, helping to foster a safe and inclusive working environment at MCB.


Brooklyn Law School
St. John's University

Bar Admissions:

United States District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York
New York


Nassau County Bar Association


Martindale 2025

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