CLE Program with Lawline on Sexual Harassment & Gender Discrimination - Taught by Partner, Valerie K. Ferrier

CLE Program with Lawline on Sexual Harassment & Gender Discrimination - Taught by Partner, Valerie K. Ferrier

Join us in the Lawline's online CLE course: Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in New York: What is it Not?, on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 11:30AM EDT. This program will be taught by our Partner, and Head of the Firm's Labor & Employment Practice Group, Valerie K. Ferrier.

Course Description: The #MeToo era has inaugurated a long-overdue acknowledgment of sexual harassment and gender discrimination. But one result of this necessary conversation is that many people are unaware that these terms are not mere conversational English, but have specific legal definitions. On top of that, New York City and State have laws that go further than federal law.

This course is directed primarily at employer-side attorneys, and will clarify what is, and just as importantly, what is not, unlawful sexual harassment and gender discrimination in New York.

Click here for CLE course!

Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP is here to answer your employment questions.

Please contact: Valerie K. Ferrier, head of the Firm’s Labor & Employment Practice Group, at or 212-916-0920.